Tips To Help You Get An Upgrade When You Check In To A Hotel

Posted on: 10 May 2021

When booking a hotel room, it is natural to want a room that has an amazing view or a suite that is more luxurious than a standard room. However, these rooms typically have a much bigger price tag than a standard room, so they may not fit into your budget. The good news is that you may get lucky and receive an upgrade at a hotel without having to spend any money. While hotel upgrades are not guaranteed, there are things that you can do to increase the likelihood of being offered an upgrade to the type of hotel room you really want. Use the following tips to help you get an upgrade the next time you check into a hotel.

Travel During the Slow Season

If you're in the process of planning a vacation, it can be beneficial to take the trip during the destination's slow season. If you stay in a hotel during the slow season, there is a much higher chance that there will be premium rooms available, so an upgrade is more likely. If you stay in a hotel during the high season or during a big event, such as a convention, the hotel will most likely be full, so upgrades won't be possible.

Be Kind

Hotel staff members work very hard to ensure that guests have an enjoyable stay. But, the person checking you in at your hotel will not want to do you any favors if you are demanding or speak in a rude manner. Don't be afraid to ask if there is a free upgrade available, but make sure that you ask kindly and politely. The person at the front desk of the hotel will likely be willing to look into available upgrades if you treat them with the respect that he or she deserves.

Let the Hotel Know About a Special Occasion 

If you are traveling and staying in a hotel for a special occasion, such as a honeymoon, a major anniversary, or another type of celebration, let the hotel know. You can mention the special occasion at check-in, or you can contact the hotel in advance of your stay. When a hotel has premium rooms available, they often offer free upgrades to guests who are celebrating something special. When a hotel goes out of its way to upgrade your room so you can enjoy the special occasion that you're celebrating, it is a good idea to leave a good online review. 

To learn more, contact a hotel near where you want to stay.


Staying Somewhere You Will Love

When I started traveling a lot for work, I realized that it would probably be in my best interest to figure out what to look for in a hotel. After staying at a few bad places, I decided to make a list of amenities and comforts that I had to have. For example, I decided that I loved having an accessible gym to work on my physique while I was in town. Also, I adored having a laundry service, so that I could return home with a vat of clean laundry. After I made this list, I would compare it with the advertised features, so that I would get what I wanted. Read my blog for more traveling advice.

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